Saturday, September 7, 2013

Love in Action

After much anticipation, the first spring plants arrived the last week of April in the parking lot greenhouse at Lewis at 41st and Minnesota Ave.  Even though I was feeling under the weather, I was tickled pink to choose a flat of assorted flowers and vegetables.  I took them home and brought them in the house since our last frost date was still a week and a half away.  And true to form, we had another frost!  All those plants in the parking lot at Lewis had to be taken inside too!  (I wonder if they'll jump the gun next year?!)  :-)  Fast forward five weeks...  Due to a rough spell, Samuel and Lilly offered to plant my vegetable garden...cherry tomatoes, pink Brandywines, and a few other large tomato varieties.  Three jalapenos and three bell pepper plants, cucumbers, pole beans and beets from seed.  What a blessing that was!  Love in action.  Now I'm canning and freezing, and still tickled pink.

Spiced Pears and Dill Pickles

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